Later, the film introduces us to the beginning of MMT in the 1980s and the realization that macroeconomics had been misunderstood.
Read Full PostLater, the film introduces us to the beginning of MMT in the 1980s and the realization that macroeconomics had been misunderstood.
Read Full PostRoosevelt created a new tax so that it would appear there was a separate revenue stream funding the retiree Trust fund. As noted earlier, FICA taxes went to the same place as all other taxes, then eliminated from existence, leaving only ghosts.
Read Full PostRegulators, now were being required to take into consideration the needs of the businesses being regulated before the needs of the people being protected
Read Full PostWhen one chooses to look through the MMT lens with a progressive economic philosophy simply described as the “public purpose,” it is easy to realize that all neoliberal objectives are not in the interest of supporting the objectives of progressive policies
Read Full PostTaxes enforce the government’s currency as the default method of payment.
Read Full PostFor something to be accepted as part of MMT, it had to accurately predict results.
Read Full PostThe US and many of the world's currencies are no longer tied to a commodity, such as gold, to value their currency.
Read Full PostUnless you frame MMT to bring the person to understand it, you can never move the discussion into describing a world where MMT is recognized.
Read Full PostThe cult designation became popular with the "woke" crowd when a podcaster went on a spontaneous rant about MMT and how foolish the Real Progressives are thinking they can get Congress to recognize MMT principles.
Read Full PostI also realize that getting the opportunities to speak are few and far between. But then how often do you get a chance to change the world?
Read Full PostAt the Federal level, there is no such thing as taxpayer money. Until the Federal government spends money; no money exists.
Read Full PostThere are only two critical functions that taxes perform. It forces the taxpayers of that sovereign nation into using the nation's currency for all transactions. And second, it serves as a critical tool in assuring that the nation's economy is balanced
Read Full PostThe plan passed by the Senate is a great start, but it is upside down, and will work that way in the economy
Read Full PostIf the Fed looked at the empty factories, the crumbling infrastructure, the restricted opportunities for college graduates, and even the nearly 8% unemployment. It becomes very obvious why we do not have any inflation.
Read Full PostInstead of thinking about the Federal debt, think about the debt of families all across the nation.
Read Full PostThe months of January and February can be for all those banks and businesses that have to construct their W-2 forms, 1099s and 1098s, and whatever else nonsensical multiple names they give forms for money they either gave you or took from you.
Read Full PostA progressive tax plan cannot unduly reward wealth and work must be available to all that want it, the tax plan should provide for everyone to have, at minimum, an after tax income that meets the cost of living.
Read Full PostWe have a way to measure the resources available to any nation, its called money.
Read Full PostDestroy the Far Right with the light of ideas that bring positive changes to our individual lives, opportunity to our economic system, justice to our justice systems, and peace to our international positions.
Read Full PostWhat they came up with is an uncooked mess of leftover ideas seasoned by some of the Affordable Care Act's (ACA) key provisions.
Read Full PostBut Socialism is very good at doing the necessary work to maintain the Commons, a critical component of any society.
Read Full PostWe all know about income inequality, where larger business profits are not distributed back to the employees but are mainly distributed upwards on the corporate chain.
Read Full PostThe meager improvements in the real unemployment figure will start to diminish and by the end of the two years turn negative
Read Full PostCorporations are buying one another up so fast that you need a score card to keep up.
Read Full PostThey don't care if your sons or daughters end up dead while the predatory capitalists are going after what they want.
Read Full PostTaking on a mortgage, buying a car or starting a small business requires you to do business with a bank.
Read Full PostTo policy geeks, it would essentially accomplish what the Fed is trying to do with near zero interest rates and their Quantitative Easing program
Read Full PostMinimum wage is higher than the federal minimum in many states. Some states require employers pay T 1/2 on Holidays and/or Sundays
Read Full PostAfter the Great Depression and World War 2 our economy pivoted to an egalitarian model until the early 70's.
Read Full PostEinstein! If you can have your stupid relativity puns, certainly I can have this one. Here, have some fresh kibble and shut up.
Read Full PostThey were conservatives that believed that welfare was too generous, taxes too high, and government too big
Read Full PostI took advantage of knowing where President Obama hid his time machine and I borrowed it for 5 minutes. At least, that is how long it appears that I was gone.
Read Full PostRyan said something about children who do not have lunch money don't have caring parents.
Read Full PostI had just arrived in Kansas City, Kansas. Many people are unaware that there are two cities cities named Kansas City, positioned side by side, separated by a river and the Missouri / Kansas state line. The Missouri side has most of the amenities; baseball, football teams, museums, theaters, and...
Read Full PostThe following is the State of the Union that I would hope that President Obama would give.
Read Full PostI laugh when I see people trying to get people to buy gold. It to me is a fool's dream.
Read Full PostSome people, and this was true in Indiana, graduated high school, and from there went directly into the steel mills. Now, the steel mills are gone
Read Full PostAllow Corporations more freedom, and they will hire more workers, making for a better economy, but this does not happen
Read Full PostFraud is not limited to those who run Ponzi schemes but includes bankers and investment companies
Read Full PostIn this case it appears that ACA is a success at signing up a large segment of formerly uninsured Americans by January 1st, 2014. And wasn't that the intention?
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