1 – Time Travel for Jobs

1 – Time Travel for Jobs

1 – Time Travel for Jobs

(This series of articles were written in 2014.  Many of my great ideas were only good ideas. But what an adventure!)

It has come to my attention that we have a job shortage of some sort in the US.  So, after hearing that, I asked how long has this been going on?  You see, I have a job so how would I know that for 6 years there has been between 10% and 15% unemployment. You know, the number of people that have a job compared to the number of people that want a job.  I had expected to hear that this job shortage had been around for 6 months, maybe a year; but 6 years?!  What has Congress been doing? They know how to create jobs, they have done it before. Just fix the shit that is broken first, and if that isn’t enough, start a war against entropy and fix the stuff that will be broken or replace it with something better. What is so hard?

Anyways, to make a long story short, I figured I needed to understand how this all works and then offer solutions.  So, I took advantage of knowing where President Obama hid his time machine and I borrowed it for 5 minutes. At least, that is how long it appears that I was gone. I went back in time to when all this unemployment started. Once there, I took a picture of my cat Einstein, you can see the date on the picture as proof that I am not making this up. While living in the past; I read books, I read blogs and articles. I debated people about their theories of economics and what went wrong. Now I have arrived back at the time I left plus (5 minutes) and I actually have this all figured out!

But first, my bodies have to reintegrate.  And so does Einstein’s!

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