(This series of articles were written in 2014. Many of my great ideas were only good ideas. But what an adventure!)
It has come to my attention that we have a job shortage of some sort in the US. So, after hearing that, I asked how long has this been going on? You see, I have a job so how would I know that for 6 years there has been between 10% and 15% unemployment. You know, the number of people that have a job compared to the number of people that want a job. I had expected to hear that this job shortage had been around for 6 months, maybe a year; but 6 years?! What has Congress been doing? They know how to create jobs, they have done it before. Just fix the shit that is broken first, and if that isn’t enough, start a war against entropy and fix the stuff that will be broken or replace it with something better. What is so hard?
Anyways, to make a long story short, I figured I needed to understand how this all works and then offer solutions. So, I took advantage of knowing where President Obama hid his time machine and I borrowed it for 5 minutes. At least, that is how long it appears that I was gone. I went back in time to when all this unemployment started. Once there, I took a picture of my cat Einstein, you can see the date on the picture as proof that I am not making this up. While living in the past; I read books, I read blogs and articles. I debated people about their theories of economics and what went wrong. Now I have arrived back at the time I left plus (5 minutes) and I actually have this all figured out!
But first, my bodies have to reintegrate. And so does Einstein’s!
2 - Time Travel for Jobs by Brad Sandler March 20, 2014 ECONOMIC POLICY They were conservatives that believed that welfare was too generous, taxes too high, and government…
3 - Time Travelling for Jobs by Brad Sandler March 25, 2014 ECONOMIC POLICY Einstein! If you can have your stupid relativity puns, certainly I can have this one.…
6 -Time Travelling for Jobs by Brad Sandler May 26, 2014 CORPORATE DISSONANCE To policy geeks, it would essentially accomplish what the Fed is trying to do with…
[…] Read Part 1 Here […]