1 – Fiat Currency Taxes

A progressive tax plan cannot unduly reward wealth and work must be available to all that want it, the tax plan should provide for everyone to have, at minimum, an after tax income that meets the cost of living.

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2 – Fiat Currency Taxes

The months of January and February can be for all those banks and businesses that have to construct their W-2 forms, 1099s and 1098s, and whatever else nonsensical multiple names they give forms for money they either gave you or took from you.

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3 – Fiat Currency Taxes

If the Fed looked at the empty factories, the crumbling infrastructure, the restricted opportunities for college graduates, and even the nearly 8% unemployment. It becomes very obvious why we do not have any inflation.

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4 – Fiat Currency Taxes

There are only two critical functions that taxes perform. It forces the taxpayers of that sovereign nation into using the nation's currency for all transactions. And second, it serves as a critical tool in assuring that the nation's economy is balanced

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