Not Ready

The election for President, 33% of the US Senate and the entire House of Representatives will happen on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. And I’m not ready. I know who I will vote for, that’s not why I’m not ready. It’s because the good candidates are being sidelined in the name of democracy! It’s because nobody that has even a whiff of a chance is ready to address all the issues we, as Americans and inhabitants of the planet Earth, need addressed. Half way measures are not possible.
Mostly, I am talking about the top slot, President, but what Senators or Congresspersons are willing to grab the microphone and call Kamala a Neoliberal tool and Donald a bag of hate. Name any Congressional candidates that are pledging to go to the House or the Senate and will take up the people’s cause. It’s not just unions, its not just POC and other minorities. It’s war, and not just the wars of bloodshed and destruction. It’s the war of inequality that ignores the basic every day needs of more and more individuals and their families every single day. How many less insults might the candidates have time for if they actually talked about the most unfortunate among us.
And that only connects to the war between candidates, regardless of their political affiliation or ideology. How many times are Democrats going to inform Trump’s voters that he is a liar? What makes them think that his MAGA followers don’t know?
So, I am not ready. And I won’t be ready until we have candidates across the globe that put altering Climate Disruption to Climate Adaptation. Who insist that all wars, military, inequality, and political must end or we will destroy in one manner or another all the resources that are required to adapt to Climate Disruption. The needs of those whose wealth is feeding the Disruption must be ended.
It is time to stop fighting over the grievances of the past. Instead we need leaders that only focus on the future.
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