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This Blog Posting is Out of Sync

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We are at Lee-Hi Campground in Lexington, VA. Before getting here we took a quick stop at a Walmart to get peppermint essential oil and a small spray bottle (8 oz). I mix 1/4 cup witch hazel, 10 drops peppermint and water.  I give Mitzvah heart worm and tick pills but also spray her and myself, Brad sprays himself, to keep all the nuisance bugs away. Shout out to my friend Alison for the recipe.  The camp site had us camped close to our neighbors.  It’s on a hill and we were in a sunny paved area for only one night.  When I walked Mitzvah in the morning I discovered the views to be beautiful.

Unfortunately that day I discovered in my rush to throw out trash at Walmart the other day, I probably threw away 2 pairs of prescription glasses.  Luckily I have on my  prescription transition glasses I bought so as not to have to take off my glasses to put on sunglasses and not lose them. Irony. Anyone who knows me will realize how I could do this.  When Nathan, our oldest (Kevin is our younger son by 2 years 4 months) was in middle school I threw out his school workbook  I’ll never live that down.

Anyway, I just enjoyed a nice shower in the camp shower at Hungry Mother. These things matter as RV showers don’t cut it .  Plus ours is a large step up so getting down is an endeavor.

I am copying this from hand written notes as we had no internet/phone connectivity on Friday, June 1.  The day we left Lee-Hi campground.  Driving along we decided to stop for lunch at a Waffle House instead of just driving 1 1/2 hours with only a snack break. I wanted to get a Belgian waffle in remembrance of my mom who loved them. I don’t like waffles but I heard Belgian waffles are very good and very different from regular waffles.

Guess what! Waffle House doesn’t serve Belgian waffles!  So I got green eggs and ham! No, just kidding; I got eggs and grits.  My first time eating grits and I liked them. The waitress offered me free bacon as they made some that a customer didn’t want.  It was cooked perfect, crisp!

Good thing we had a hearty lunch as we ended up taking a wrong turn and Brad had to negotiate driving up a steep, curving mountain.  it was too narrow to turn around on so we had to go all the up one side and down the other to turn around and go the right way. Then we went up and down all over again  I was staring down a steep drop and when I looked out – gorgeous!  Man, was it so worth it.  The views were magnificent!  No words to describe.  I also saw a large black snake in the road  it had a white band of color around it’s upper body and lower body, hope he/she makes it to the other side

Finally found Hungry Mother Park our target destination. But first we had to go over yet another steep, actually steeper, mountain.  We are now parked for the night- next to a a babbling brook😊

Mitzvah seems getting the hang of the routine  still panting and unhappy while the RV is moving but as soon as we stop, she is back to her normal self.

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Margaret Thuring

Hi Brad & Shirley. So happy you sent me the link to your adventure! I will be following you for sure! It was very nice to meet you at Ironwood. My thoughts & prayers for a safe, wonderful trip.

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