Haven’t blogged due to no wifi for a while. We have just pulled into an RV park near our first sightseeing destination. New Orleans.
Catching up, we left Hungry Mother State Park in VA on June 3rd. Had a nice chat with the couple waiting for us to pull out of our site. I took a lovely walk for 45 minutes around the lake. Actually only back and forth as the trail is 6 miles and I didn’t have the time. Would have been a great place to stay longer.
At a nearby motor home a 6 year old girl with red hair came running out every time she saw Mitzvah. One time she had a toy fishing pole; did she ever scare Mitzvah! I took to watching out for her and putting Mitzvah behind me til the parents got her. She was very enthusiastic about Mitzvah!
Late Arrival in Tennessee by Curleyshirley June 4, 2017 TRAVEL & ADVENTURE Upon arriving in the camp I was claustrophobic as it was so close and crowded. …