Leaving Hungry Mother

Haven’t blogged due to no wifi for a while. We have just pulled into an RV park near our first sightseeing destination. New Orleans.

Catching up, we left Hungry Mother State Park in VA on June 3rd. Had a nice chat with the couple waiting for us to pull out of our site.  I took a lovely walk for 45 minutes around the lake. Actually only back and forth as the trail is 6 miles and I didn’t have the time.  Would have been a great place to stay longer.

At a nearby motor home a 6 year old girl with red hair came running out every time she saw Mitzvah.  One time she had a toy fishing pole; did she ever scare Mitzvah! I took to watching out for her and putting Mitzvah behind me til the parents got her. She was very enthusiastic about Mitzvah!


Then onto Alabama.



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