First day. May 25. Late start due to death of our last standing cat, Striker. He didn’t stand long. Five months after his pal Einstein died and Sixteen months after the boss cat Tango died. Striker was euthanized so as not to suffer with a 2 ½ inch thyroid tumor. That was May 12. Then my mom, Sarah Mele died May 17. She made it to 90 Done with all the obituaries.
Late start but we landed in Cozy Hills Campground in Connecticut at 4pm. Our dog Mitzvah is doing well. After our Ten day trip last November she knows the drill. Good thing she’s here because the weather is crappy, 50’s and showering Without her Brad and I might be watching a video instead of discovering the beauties surrounding us. The lake and a babbling brook.
We learned the hard way to bubble wrap all glass. Had a barbecue bottle explode on the carpeting Got all the glass and I brought all my cleaning agents so got that mess taken care of. Delicious dinner by Brad, grilled chicken. I made corn and artichoke hearts. Opened cans and microwaved. Evening walk for Mitzvah, then we got in just as the downpour came. Now bedtime.