Progressive Policy Defined

Progressive Policy Defined

Progressive Policy Defined

The components of a Progressive policy is unclear to most. How is it different from Liberal policy, or is it just an alternative name? It is both and it is neither. Progressive policy is long term policy, while Liberal policies are the immediate, alternative; incomplete and insufficient in scope and effectiveness. Liberal policy is never the end, it is the first step toward a Progressive nation. Progressive is larger in scope and is less forgiving of compromising on principles. Liberal is current, Progressive is aspirational.

I define Progressive as being a collection of 3 non negotiable components. In order for a public policy to be Progressive it must be morally based, compatible with the principles of Democratic Socialism, and finally must seek out peaceful solutions for both foreign and domestic disputes.

Public policy in the US is any law legally enacted, Executive Order issued, or regulation published. For any policy to be considered morally based it must adhere to what is often called by Christians the Golden Rule; “Do unto others as you would have done unto you”. This is but one version of the Golden Rule which is a consistent teaching of all religions and all other moral advocates. A policy is moral when it applies to all equally and any that are affected would apply the same benefits of the policy to their fellows and those that are not affected would want the policy to apply to themselves.

When a policy is morally based it already contains a critical component of a true Democratic Socialist society. Democratic Socialism is already consistent with the US Constitution in the clauses regarding eminent domain, the postal services, and interstate commerce; as well as the preamble’s commitment to “the general welfare”. Democratic Socialism also does not prohibit Free Enterprise Capitalism or fair and open elections. Any policy that restricts government’s ability to act for the general welfare, restrict Free Enterprise, prevent or hinder fair and open elections, are not Progressive policies. To clarify, Free Enterprise differs from Free Markets by the critical criteria that Free Enterprise promotes competition by any business that does not impinge on the General Welfare. Free Markets on the other hand promotes less regulation over the markets and prefers the market to provide all services even those that affect the General Welfare. Free Market Capitalism is not compatible with Democratic Socialism and Free Enterprise as I have defined it.

Lastly, seeking peaceful solutions is worthy not only in international relations but also with domestic problems as well. Internationally, entering into discussions over differences with the stated and demonstrated intention of a peaceful resolution makes a solution much more likely. A show of force by the US is totally unnecessary, the world is well aware of America’s firepower, there is no need to flaunt it. Domestically, the threat of prison and other harsh punishments that do not fit the crime are not only lack a moral justification, but it pits citizen’s against each other and diverts precious resources of people, land, and facilities from uses that enrich the entire country.

Progressive Policy = Moral + Democratic Socialism + Peace

Within that short formula is not a rigid one size fits all, but instead a means of determining where compromise can be made, and a wide range of viable positive policies can be derived.

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