Random Thoughts

It has been a while since I have posted a blog and a lot has happened.  First we get that horror show called a mid term election. Does anyone else believe the results was entirely the fault of the Democrats?

Then there is the all of a sudden every week reporting of another white cop beating or killing a black citizen. It’s not something new; it is now finally being reported.

What else has happened? Oh yeah, President Obama relaxed the effort somewhat attempting to round up every single undocumented person in the US. Actually providing them with work permits, collecting taxes from them, and even allowing them to learn the rules of driving a car in the United States.  Good stuff, millions of dollars spent chasing after people that just want a job can be put to use for education and skills training. It was too little, but it is way better than rounding up every undocumented person. And most people agree.

But then, not all is good on the President Obama front, is it? There was that silly budget continuing resolution that included a bunch of bad policy initiatives, mostly planted by Republicans with just enough blue dog Democrats and Presidential support to get through both houses.

Finally, the President redeemed that act of playing Corporate favorites by opening up relations to Cuba. Reversing policies that have been in place since Eisenhower and then Kennedy. Let the vacation deals begin!

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