I listen to Mike Malloy over the Internet. I have seen his web broadcasting studio. Frankly his accommodations resembles the old TV show, Fernwood Tonight. If you recall, the furnishings on that show were quite shabby, but that was intentional. Mike’s set up is not. I was allowed a peek into his studio because he broadcasts with a camera on so my observations come from only that. But, there is a glass between him and Kathy, his wife and the show’s producer. Mike has a lamp, which is reflected off the glass. It gives off an eerie glow. But then again, it is his basement. Mike is old, and the view from his camera shows an old man.
This is not to disparage the guy. I mean, Mike has bounced around the radio dial for at least 20 years. I know, I followed him from WLS to WIN Radio a Union sponsored station to Air America and to Nova. And now, like a soldier forced to survive on his own, he has dug a fox hole, and he is strapped in for a last ditch fight.
This alone makes me feel sad. Not only are there those who are still ignorant of what Mike is preaching about, but the fight is really unequal. On the one hand, you have money and power who control the air waves, and then there is Mike in his bunker, and his Fernwood lamp.
I know Mike is not a believer in any religion, but he reminds me of the prophets in the Bible who decried their plight because they thought they were the only ones speaking out for the truth. And I think of Jeremiah, who called Israel to repent, but of course, they did not. I believe that it was Jeremiah who said that the rich would sell the poor for a pair of shoes.
So Mike Malloy, the mad prophet cries out; “I’m mad as Hell, and I’m not going to take it any more!” quoting the movie “Network”. He says that the Republicans are going to win the Senate come the next election. Can the end not be too far off?
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I was unaware of Mike backing Hillary. As you have pointed out, this was an old post.
Malloy went wholesale Russia into the Russians interfering with the 2016 election. As you may recall, I always thought “Russiagate” was way overblown – still do – history has shown that any impact Russia had dwarfs the impact the US has had on Russian elections and elsewhere around the world.
I’ve never heard Malloy, but, I enjoyed Vernon’s descriptive writing immensely.
Kathy. I started to lose interest in Malloy back in 2016 when he jumped on the Clinton wagon after Bernie left the race. I stopped listening to him entirerly when he bought the Russia narrative entirerly.
Most of Vernon’s articles here are from an old website we both posted on.
I’m a huge Malloy fan, but his prognostication track record is not very good. I am sure he would be the first to agree. Anyways there are two things Democrats must do, to take back the House and hold the Senate. First, they must not run away from the ACA. If they personally have modifications they want made, then run the proposal by Pelosi and Reid and run on that fix. Second follows directly from the first. Reid and Pelosi need to come up with a list of 10 actual bills that they will try to introduce this year. Each Democrat running for the House or the Senate should pick no more than 5 of those bills and run their campaign around them. So with a positive message where Democrats can say, this is what I want to pass when we take back the House; people will know what is coming. It also gives them lots of room to point out that Republicans have not done diddly squat, nor are they proposing diddly squat; add in their record on women’s rights, gay rights, veteran benefits, immigration and healthcare.
Democrats can take the House and hold the Senate, they just need to give voters a reason to vote for them.