I am Ashamed to Call Myself a Kansan

I am Ashamed to Call Myself a Kansan

I am Ashamed to Call Myself a Kansan

Megan Burns I1bm6qtyazw Unsplash

When Sam Brownback was elected governor of Kansas he brought with him the baggage of the Republican right wing. Support business over the general welfare, cut social spending, impose a larger share of the tax burden on the poor and disadvantaged, and narrowing voting rights. The ACLU is suing Kansas for what it calls a two tier system of voting.  Just as it is in Arizona. Under the two tier plan, it designates who can vote and who cannot vote.  Of course, those just naturalized will be scrutinized, and prevented from voting.  The other night I listened to an ad by Kris Kobach, the Attorney General, where he explained this as a process to protect the voting box, when in truth it keeps the electorate makeup less reflective of diversity. Minorities would never allow for what these people are advocating and when I took American History the idea was to expand voting rights rather than to narrow down who could or could not participate in elections.  Republicans hate Democracy.  They try to squelch it where ever possible.

A good example is voter registration on campuses. Or, in general, voting registration drives period.  All of which would put an end to  their control over the populace.  If you live in Kansas or Indiana, you live in peril of losing all your rights.

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